31 March 2010
Announcements - General (Good)
Celebrate Yuri's Night
And 49 years of human spaceflight
by Carol Pinchefsky
From April 10 through April 12, people around the globe will be toasting the 49th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight to space. Known as “Yuri’s Night,” these linked parties are a celebration of human spaceflight…and an excuse to dance.

Gagarin’s orbit around the Earth was an achievement for all humankind. Because of this, the parties are equally universal. Countries on all seven continents are participating—including those without a space program such as Croatia, Iran, Vietnam—plus one virtual location, Second Life.

Space Future New York is participating in the New York City party, which will have live music, dancing, brief lectures, and a fashion show. As with two previous Yuri's Nights, Space Future will be holding a trivia competition.

Currently there are 146 parties in 53 countries. You can locate a party near you here.

And if you can't find one, you can always throw one of your own.
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Carol Pinchefsky 31 March 2010
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